Welcome to our website and thank you for your interest in the Knights of the Holy Grail.
The Knights of the Holy Grail is an order of Christian knighthood dedicated to the Quest of the Holy Grail, the search for ancient Christian wisdom and the lost treasures of Christ's holy Church.
In the spirit of adventure and in the grand old tradition of knighthood, we journey forth upon this Quest that leads us to sacred shrines and ancient churches, places of miracles, visions and divine messages, healings and holy apparitions, words of wisdom and guidance from holy men and women, hermits, and living saints.
We devote ourselves to the cause of good and noble deeds and, through a life dedicated to prayer and the holy mysteries, engage in spiritual warfare against the Devil and all his works.
The Knights of the Holy Grail is centered in the character of Christ. It is handled in simple and elegant ritual. It binds its Knights and Ladies to God, and to each other in true brotherhood. It reaches all ranks of society. It will win, not by numbers, but by its refining, elevating ideals.
The Knights of the Holy Grail is deeply spiritual, clannish, chivalrous, and very religious in the best sense of the word. These are the foundation-stones of this holy Order. It is bound together by love. The true Knight is a lover, a lover of the best. He loves his country, hence patriotism; Christ's holy Church, hence religion; the Christ, hence devotion. He champions the true Church, the mystical body of Christ, one and undivided as in days of old. His ambition is for the good and the right; and he says:
“Follow the Christ, the King;
Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King, —
Else, wherefore born?”
We invite anyone who shares our interests and ideals and who wishes to forge the spirit of friendship in a true brotherhood of Christ’s Knights and Ladies to join us.
![Holy Grail Quest](resources/holy_grail_apparition.jpg)
"We Few, We Happy Few,
We Band of Brothers" - Henry V
The valiant mission of the Knights is the Quest of the Holy Grail, the mystical heart of ancient Christian spirituality.
The Quest opens the gates to a holy and hidden knowledge, a treasury of divine secrets, a heaven of the most holy mysteries of God—and bids us to find it.
The Holy Grail is as personal as it is universal, and is symbolic of all that is near and dear to us, the fulfillment of the righteous desires of our heart.
We invite you to write or call us. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about our Order and how you can join.
“Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic actions, and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world.”— Kenelm Henry Digby, The Broad Stone of Honour
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